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SPA Quantities! Order 5 pounds of body wrap powder.
Product Safety Data is available upon request.
Jumbo sized washable and latex free body wrap elastic bandage rolls. Each bandage is 8 inch wide and 10 feet long unstretched. This is the largest elastic bandage roll available on the market making it ideal for DIY Neutripure Body Wraps.
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Our Neutripure Konjac Sponges are a great tool for washing your face and promise for more radiant skin. They're all the rage in Japan. They're also known as konjak, konjaku, konnyaku potato, devil's tongue, voodoo lily, snake palm, and elephant yam in different parts of the world. They look like weird little kitchen sponges, feel squishy against skin, and are actually made of a porous root vegetable.
Here's everything you need to know about our Neutripure Konjac Sponges:
1. Konjac sponges are really, really gentle. They're more gentle than scrubs, so they're ideal for daily exfoliating. You can use them on sensitive skin, rosacea, and dry flakes that are difficult to buff away without irritating skin. They can be used on sensitive baby skin.
2. They'll take off your makeup. Used with soap and water, konjac sponges will remove more makeup than washing with your hands alone. You can even run one around your eyes to get your mascara off faster.
3. They'll make your skin more radiant. Anything that exfoliates makes your skin smoother and more glowy - and the more often you use it, the more pronounced the effects will be.
4. They're made of 100% natural ingredients. The Konjac Potato or Konnyaku is a perennial plant native to Asia, and can be found growing wild at very high altitudes. Our sponges are also infused with natural mineral additives like the green tea, purple sweet potato, and bamboo charcoal help nourish and smooth skin naturally.
5. They've got a shelf life. For optimum results, replace your Konjac sponge after 3 months of use or when it starts to deteriorate. To maximize the life you should rinse sponge and gently squeeze out excess water after use but do not wring. Hang in a well ventilated area to air dry.
6. They're organic. Because they are made our of completely natural ingredients they can be composted after use.
7. Not self-cleaning. Although not necessary you may occasionally want to add your favorite cleanser when using sponge. Even though some konjac sponges may claim to be antibacterial, they're not self-cleaning.
And finally i have a question for you.
How do you pronounce "Konjac" ?
Okay, i'll tell you.
Konjac is pronounced like CONE-YAK. Not con-jack as you may have thought.
The Japanese word is kon'nyaku pronounced like CONE-NYAKU with the "A" sounding like a short "AW".
I hope you find this helpful and enjoy your purchase.
Konjac Lydia
View full product details$7.99
Neutripure Osmotic Wrap enhances the effect of slimming gels and creams with its sauna-like characteristics because it controls evaporation, opens pores and stimulates sweating. Even using our osmotic wrap unaided, greatly intensifies workouts! It's an excellent abdomen stimulant that raises body temperature in your midriff or targeted areas, allowing toxins to be released and water weight to be sweated away.
View full product details$99.00
One carton containing 5 pounds of Neutripure Body Wrap Powder. (5 pounds is equivalent to 10 regular body wrap bags. This is the best value and is meant to be sold to SPAs.)
Body wrap sales season coincides with February to August bikini season and spikes in May and June.
Our Body wrap powder is shipped in air tight polyethylene plastic bags. Under normal conditions powder may be stored in this bag indefinitely, provided the bag is properly sealed.
Once the bag has been opened, store the powder away from contaminated environments such as garages and storage sheds containing plastics, rubbers and all petroleum based products which outgas. If powder must be stored in such and environment make absolutely certain that the bag is completely sealed. Never store powder in metal, or allow it to come into prolonged contact with metals.
Hydrated body wrap powder should be used within 24 hours. We recommend initiating the body wrap treatment immediately after hydrating.
It's Confusing. There are so many body wraps available e.g. SPA wraps, body wrap applicators, volcanic ash wraps to name a few. I tested these wraps, listened to user feedback and even talked about the pros and cons on my iTunes podcast. The result is the exciting development of a breakthrough formula. The Neutripure body wrap is not just a slimming product; it's an experience! It involves wrapping your clients in detoxifying Seaweed, Healing Clay, Garcinia Cambogia, and Dead Sea Salt in order to help draw out toxins from their body. With a good body wrap not only will your clients feel a greater sense of well being and be setting the stage for better overall health, they’ll start contouring their body and tone by removing the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. If you follow our step-by-step Body Wrap Guide, it's not uncommon to take someone down a dress size or two in two weeks.
We do not promise outstanding slimming results for everyone because we all have a unique body chemistry and there are many contributing reasons for weight loss and slimming, but we believe our Neutripure SPA recipe will give you the best fighting chance of any wrap on the market to conquer the battle of the bulge. Whether it’s needing tighter skin or firming loose skin, the wrap can help! It even helps to reduce stretch marks and cellulite. Some may see skin rejuvenation, some may see a reduction in inflammation, some might see stretch marks lighten up. Whatever your clients results are, it can be maintained with proper diet and exercise. Our Neutripure Body Wrap helps to get oxygen into the cells because it has the ability to pull excess hydrogen from the cells, leaving room for oxygen to take its place. When cells have more oxygen entering them, you feel more energized and your body can repair itself more easily from illness or hard workouts.
Store in a cool dry place. In the unlikely event of skin irritation, discontinue use. This powder is not edible. Keep bag away from children. Carefully avoid breathing excessive amounts of dust. Use a mask in necessary.
For treatment instructions read our body wrap guide.
3 washable body wrap elastic bandages. Each bandage is 6 inch wide and 15 feet long stretched or 3 feet unstretched. Ideal for Neutripure Body Wraps.
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Anti Snore Solutions Containing the Best Devices and Remedies to Stop Snoring
It’s confusing. There are so many anti snoring aids on the market today, and we understand searching for a snoring cure can be flustering. So we made this simple for you. After intense research we selected the best devices to include in our Snore Bag.
DOES THIS WORK? We're not making claims of success for every snorer. There are many types of breathing obstructions so it might not work for you. But we strongly feel our carefully researched combo bag will give you a strong fighting chance to conquer your snoring and give you and your sleep partner a peaceful night's rest. The solution that's best for you may be any one of the devices, or maybe a combination such as chin strap with a nose dilator. Let’s explore and see what works!
CHIN STRAP: A near instant remedy for some snorers. It works by eliminating snoring by simply holding the chin up and keeping your mouth closed. It works by repositioning the jaw and opens up the nasal airway for airflow. Using a chinstrap with either a nose dilator often yields tremendous success. Our Neoprene chinstrap is adjustable, stretchable and breathable.
NASAL DILATORS: Maximizes airflow through the nasal passage to stop snoring all together. It's designed to strengthen and expand the nasal passage, and maximize the air that flows in while providing a warm, comfortable feeling and is virtually invisible to outsiders. The dilators have slits which allow the nasal hair pass through making sure they still filter the air. We offer four sizes to ensure a custom fit for you.
TONGUE RETAINER: Soft silicone tongue retainer creates gentle suction around the tongue, which holds it in place to help prevent blocked airway and snoring.
NASAL FILTER: - Purifies air with a charcoal filter and maximizes airflow through the nasal passage ways.
Download the product Instructions here.
3 washable body wrap elastic bandages. Each bandage is 6 inch wide and 15 feet long stretched or 5 feet unstretched. Ideal for Neutripure Body Wraps.
Wholesale availability: 5, 10 or 60 three packs.
Jumbo sized washable and latex free body wrap elastic bandage rolls. Each bandage is 8 inch wide and 10 feet long unstretched and 30 feet long stretched. This is the largest elastic bandage roll available on the market making it ideal for DIY Neutripure Body Wraps.
About the Product
Suggested retail: $24.99 Made in the USA
The Body Wrap Market
Our sales season coincides with February to August bikini season and spikes in May and June. It Works Body Wrap is the market leader. It has a network marketing distribution channel and is not sold in stores. Beauty SPAs have comparative body wraps for slimming, relaxation, cellulite reduction and detoxifying the skin.
Background Story
Download the complete product Guide here.
Additional items
Customers can complete the body wrap without buying any additional items. A few items they probably already have around the house will help: Saran wrap and a towel to secure and insulate the area, a cloth or sponge for application. A bowl for mixing. Elastic bandages could be used in place of Saran wrap but are not necessary to the process. We also sell a body wrap KIT.
SPA Quantities! Order 5 pounds of body wrap powder.
EXCLUSIVITY: Be the only retailer selling our kit.
This KIT includes 3 components: Body wrap mix (just add water), elastic wraps (for insulating and securing the area), application brushes, instruction booklet.
Suggested retail: $34 Made in the USA
The Body Wrap Market
Our sales season coincides with February to August bikini season and spikes in May and June. It Works Body Wrap is the market leader. It has a network marketing distribution channel and is not sold in stores. Beauty SPAs have comparative body wraps for slimming, relaxation, cellulite reduction and detoxifying the skin.
Background Story
This KIT is not being sold currently other than here at Neutripure.com. However the powder component is sold on amazon and walmart.com. To find it just search for "diy body wrap". We could agree to sell the KIT exclusively to one merchant. Contact Chris or Lydia for more info.
Organic Skincare Facial for Natural Exfoliating and Deep Pore Cleansing 5 Piece Sampler Pack Infused with Charcoal, Red Clay, Turmeric, Green Tea